Mind renewal and building your faith

By Rob Jones

 One illustration the Lord gave me on how meditating and confessing the Word works is this:

  Take the example of a steam locomotive or engine. The steam engine is actually powered by water, coal, and fire which produce the steam that powers the engine.  The coal is placed in the fire box and ignited. Once the coal is ignited it heats the water.  As the water is heated it turns into steam.  The steam is what ultimately powers the locomotive by moving the pistons, turning the wheels and thus sending the train down the tracks to its destination.


   The coal is like the Word of God.  The fire box exemplifies the place where your spirit and soul meet. Revelation knowledge, which comes from the word of God, is what ignites this fuel. The process that creates the steam can be likened to the process of mind renewal and the building of your faith which are the result of meditation on and confession of the Word of God. 


   One must keep adding the coal (i.e. the word of God) to maintain the fire ( i.e. the revelation), which in turn, heats the water and creates the steam (or your faith) needed to power the engine (your life here in the earth).  The Word of God must be added on a continual basis in order to maintain your faith (Psalm 1).  Faith and revelation comes only from the Word of God (Rom 10:17).  As you believe the word in your heart and speak it with your mouth (Rom 10: 9 & 10) it becomes the steam or in other words, the faith that powers you toward your destination, which is health to your spirit, soul, and body.


Proclaim Him
